The solutions you've been looking for...

If you're looking for innovative technologies that are: 
- proven effective
- low maintenance
- easy to use
- cost effective
- adds an extra layer of clean above what you're already doing

Let's talk.

Healthcare: Canadian Statistics

Canada has more Healthcare Acquired Infections (HAI) than almost every other developed nation in the world.  Are we doing everything we can to provide the best in patient care?

Statistical references:


Of Canada's Covid-19 deaths relate to long term care.


On average, over 12,000 people a year die from healthcare acquired infections.


An estimated 1 billion in tax dollars are spent every year fighting infections that could largely be prevented.

Where We Can Help

Infection control is now at the forefront of every industry. Managing aerosols wherever people gather is an important step towards a healthier environment.
Let us be part of your solution.